I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Exchange 2007 and 2010 use as much memory as is available in your server, I’m not sure about you but I don’t like that.  Microsoft “say” that it’s dynamic and that Exchange will share and give back memory to any service or program that requires it, I’m not 100% convinced by that as I can certainly see the performance drop when it’s using all memory resources and a performance increase after restarting the Information Store Service.  So…. how do we set this so we don’t have to keep on restarting the service, or Server??

Using our old friend  adsiedit  now please be aware (if you’re not already) that adsiedit is very low level and very powerful. You can’t save it or export it and so if you don’t know what you’re doing you can end up doing some real damage here.  You have been warned.

So back on track, first we need to open adsiedit

Using ADSIEDIT, go to: Start Menu – Administrative Tools – Adsi Edit    (Or Type adsi edit in the search at the bottom)

image image

Once adsi edit opens you’ll probably be presented with…. not a lot (if it’s your first time opening it) so we need to connect to something.

Right click ADSI Edit and go to Connect to…

This window will appear, we need to connect to the Configuration to do what we need to do, so Select it from the Naming Context drop down list and click Ok.

Ok, so now we get to the heart and sole of the server…
From here we need to drill quite a way down to find the   Information Store    To get there, expand the following:
Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > DomainName > Administrative Groups > Exchange Administrative Group > Servers > Servername

Click on your Servername and right-click Information Store and go to properties. Once the properties window opens find:
msExchESEParamCacheSizeMin  and msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax  – These are the two you need to edit.


Below are some of my recommendations, depending on how much memory you have available, services your running and your situation these can be whatever you want so long as you’ve done your maths right. (The maths are different between Exchange 2007 & 2010)

For Exchange 2010

1Gb – 32768
4Gb – 131072  (probably good for Min)
6Gb – 196608
8Gb – 262144  (probably good for Max)
12Gb – 393216

Exchange 2007:

1GB – 131072
2Gb – 262144  (probably good for Min)
4Gb – 524288
6Gb – 786432  (probably good for Max)
8Gb – 1048576


Restart the Store Service and run an iisreset in an elevated prompt otherwise the exchange management console breaks afterwards…

Bear in mind that you have to set Both the Min and the Max Cache size for this to take effect, not just one or the other.  Once that’s done you just need to restart the Information store service, or restart the server.

Hope this gets you out of a sticky quibble.